St. Croix Educational Complex High School Fine Arts educators Mr. Dwydale Dariah, Mr. Shakir Smith, Ms. Danica David, and Basic Art students created a mural on Campus during that latter part of the school year. First, SCECHS Art students received hands-on training for several weeks from mural artist Hakim Callwood and several Clean Sweep Frederiksted artists such as C. Flux Sing, Occasional Superstar, and Rachel Smith Sepúlveda. Then, Mr. Smith and Ms. David introduced the design concept to students and incorporated it into their lesson plans, using the concept as part of an assignment.
Characteristics of the Virgin Islands flag inspired the design. The artistic characteristics of the design include:
· the VI for the lettering, which stands for Virgins Islands,
· the National Flower Yellow Cedar, or Ginger Thomas,
· Bananaquit, the official bird of the Virgin Islands,
· the three arrows represent the islands Saint Croix, Saint Thomas, and Saint John,
· the laurel leaf, which symbolizes peace,
· and the eagle, which means courage, strength, and creation.
The mural's emphasis is to create an engaging public art space where individuals stand in front of the eagle and then merged with its juxtaposed wings. This posture creates an embodiment of the symbolic meaning of the eagle.
SCECHS Fine Arts educators invites the public to make an appointment to visit the campus and engage with this mural space entitled. Take a picture and share your VI Pride wings. It's a celebration and adoration of the Virgin Islands people and culture.
BIG THANKS to Home Depot manager Mr. Aidan Malcolm and Gallows Bay Hardware general manager Jammie Joseph and manager Michael Welch, and Clean Sweep Frederiksted Community Development CEO Virginia Clairmont for your generous paint donations!!! Thank you so much, Mr. Davis for your artistic contribution and assistance!!!
HUGE THANKS to SCECHS Art students who assisted with this project:
Liana Lopez
Alexziel Velazquez
Yahshawah Fenton
Najani Hazlewood
Quachayne Christian
Ricardo Vasquez
Veronique Henry
Jorge Sanchez
Israel Brown
Francisca Martinez
Denzel Huggins
Gabriella Charles
Rodney Moorehead Jr.
Mariah Stubbs
Shadeyah DeCastro
Hadeyah Donaie
Zanyjah Rodriquez
Makayla Sinanan